Kitchen Cupboards with Vase.



Tim Wernham in his woodworking studio.
ADNZ Professional Member
LBP Logo

Building and woodworking skills run through generations of my family — prior to completing architecture school, I had 15 years experience as a licenced builder. 

At first I was renovating villas and bungalows, and in the years that followed I worked full time on Ian Athfield’s houses in Khandallah and Awaroa – this ignited my passion for design.

Travel abroad provided social context and historical narrative for my work, while intensifying my interest in social and sustainable architecture.

Through experience with the building process, I have developed my ability to visualise spaces, and insight on how design objectives will fit within budget and time constraints.

I like to promote the use of health based building materials – products that are good for the environment, and good for us.

When possible, I leverage local materials and processes, something that makes every project unique. 

I love to work with small and challenging sites and believe well-designed intensification of cities is what’s required to meet the current challenges associated with housing.

ADNZ Awards

Awards & Press

My work has been recognised at a national level by New Zealand’s premiere Architectural competition, the ADNZ Awards.

ADNZ 2021: Whare Rakau was a National Finalist, and won a Regional Award in Category 01: Residential compact new home - up to 150m². It was Highly Commended in Category 06, Residential Interiors.

ADNZ 2020: Card Cres was a National Finalist in Category 05: Residential alterations & additions
& Category 06: Residential interiors. It won a Regional Award in Category 05: Residential alterations & additions & Category 06: Residential interiors